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Hi RennyB- Thanks for posting in King Care. In the top right hand corner next to your profile picture you will see all of your notifications. If someone has answered your question it will appear here.
You can also click on your profile picture to see a list of all of the questions and answers that you have given on the site. Open up the question that has been answered and you will see any new threads/updates.
I hope this helps :-)
Hi RennyB- Thanks for posting in King Care. In the top right hand corner next to your profile picture you will see all of your notifications. If someone has answered your question it will appear here.
You can also click on your profile picture to see a list of all of the questions and answers that you have given on the site. Open up the question that has been answered and you will see any new threads/updates.
I hope this helps :-)
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thanks for replying...i see a 3 beside the icon, but nothing happens when i hit on it..what am i doing wrong heeeeellllllpppp.
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Please click on the 3 and you should see the three notifications. If not simply click on your profile picture and you will see all of your threads and their answers :-)
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