I can no longer log in using King.com. I have tried on 4 different browsers, using the correct email

Posts: 4
Level 1
in Support
Can no longer log in to King.com. This goes for all games at King.com. I am using correct password and email address.
Hi Jason- Thanks for posting on King Care. I am really sorry that you have been experiencing a problem logging into King.com.
Is there an error message, if yes, what does it say? When did the problem start?
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Hi. There is no error message. The log in begins but never actually completes or connects. The "wavy" circle just keeps moving and moving.Hi Jason- Thanks for posting on King Care. I am really sorry that you have been experiencing a problem logging into King.com.
Is there an error message, if yes, what does it say? When did the problem start?
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