How do I sync exactly without losing my levels?

Level 1
I reached level 335 of Alphabetty and that appears to be the end on Android tablets at least. While I was awaiting the extended levels available on Facebook (I am told) I tried to synchronise from my (slow) ASUS Nexus 7" tablet to my ASUS 10". Great result - both came up with zero. I am now back at level 112 on the Nexus and want to try synchronising again. Can ANYONE please tell me how to do this without losing all my levels yet again.
Best Answer
No idea how it happened but this is now synchronised PC to tablet. That will probably do the trick when my new tablet arrives - See more at:
No idea how it happened but this is now synchronised PC to tablet. That will probably do the trick when my new tablet arrives - See more at:
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