Alpha Betty Level 78
I've tried multiple ways to play this level, and found out to stay away from the blue balls at the bottom or it takes away 6 moves..which is ridiculous as it is bein how little moves it starts out with to get the 5 cheese's down. But no matter how far away I made words it ends up kickin out all 3 at one time and you loose the 6 moves...then it's damn impossible to finish this level with 4 stinkin moves! I enjoyed this game, but this is stupid!
Best Answer
No, you don't stay away from them. You need to include them in words or fire line blasters through them in order to remove them and stop the countdown before it reaches zero. They only steal moves if they're still on the board at zero.
No, you don't stay away from them. You need to include them in words or fire line blasters through them in order to remove them and stop the countdown before it reaches zero. They only steal moves if they're still on the board at zero.
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Thank you.No, you don't stay away from them. You need to include them in words or fire line blasters through them in order to remove them and stop the countdown before it reaches zero. They only steal moves if they're still on the board at zero.
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