Why has Alphabetty started causing my MacBook Air to crash these past two days?
Though it's the same game, the versions on PC and tablet are different so there's no correlation if one works and not the other (that's why some issues only effect PC and not tablet and vice versa). Have you done any troubleshooting in those browsers? If you haven't then go through the steps here:
Do you play any other games? Just curious to know if this happens or doesn't happen when you do.
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I have the same problem - on my Mac. I do not play any other gamesThough it's the same game, the versions on PC and tablet are different so there's no correlation if one works and not the other (that's why some issues only effect PC and not tablet and vice versa). Have you done any troubleshooting in those browsers? If you haven't then go through the steps here:
Do you play any other games? Just curious to know if this happens or doesn't happen when you do.
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Candy Crush works fine. I've been playing AlphaBetty on both platforms for a long time. The crashing is recent.Though it's the same game, the versions on PC and tablet are different so there's no correlation if one works and not the other (that's why some issues only effect PC and not tablet and vice versa). Have you done any troubleshooting in those browsers? If you haven't then go through the steps here:
Do you play any other games? Just curious to know if this happens or doesn't happen when you do.
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