When will levels 381 and above be unlocked on Aphabetty Saga ?

Level 1
Aphabetty Saga levels 381 and above are locked . Why ? I have been checking back every day for weeks and they are still locked. How long does it take for these levels to be unlocked ?
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Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team
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I have been too-I now noticed that levels 382 and above are avialable on my tablet and phone but not laptop-when i go to ABS on my laptop it shows I have beaten these levels but will not let me click on them to replay or advance
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same problem here ! maybe we should erase the cookies ?I have been too-I now noticed that levels 382 and above are avialable on my tablet and phone but not laptop-when i go to ABS on my laptop it shows I have beaten these levels but will not let me click on them to replay or advance
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