There is a bug in sending lives to my friends!
Has anyone else run into this? My friends are all sending me lives, but when I try to send lives back to them, the 2nd window disappears. On the Send Lives screen, I only select AlphaBetty Friends, because I don't want to send lives to those who don't even play the game. But when I click Send, the final page (the one where you have to hit Send again, and you can check the box that says "don't ask again" for these certain people) just flashes quickly on the screen and disappears entirely!
Just to check, I tried selecting All Friends instead of AlphaBetty friends, and the second page DID come up -- allowing me to send lives to people who don't play the game. But it won't let me send lives to the friends who do! I even tried going to the All Friends screen and only checking the names of those who I know play the game, but then it didn't work -- the screen just flashed for an instant and went away. I don't want to reinstall and lose all my progress, because that already happened once when I switched phones!
Thanks for any help anyone can offer. I've tried writing to King, but I get no response.
This final pop-up, the 'don't ask again' one, is part of Facebook and not the actual game so I'm not sure what you can do.
There is some information about sending/receiving lives here, maybe this will help:
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