Why can't I watch videos to receive gold bars?

Level 1
After the last update not September, I can no longer watch videos for gold bars on Alphabetty. There is no other way to receive gold bars that I have found either. I contacted customer care and filed a claim. They said they were working on it. I received an email the other day stating it has been fixed, but it hasn't. I replied to that email and got no response. I also cannot receive any lives from friends.
Hey Kellyjh,
I'd start by checking for updates on your mobile, both for the Android version you run on it as for the AlphaBetty Saga app version.
Restart your device afterwards. Make sure you are well connected to the internet and to your Facebook or Kingdom account from within the app.
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It still won't work I tried several different waysHey Kellyjh,
I'd start by checking for updates on your mobile, both for the Android version you run on it as for the AlphaBetty Saga app version.
Restart your device afterwards. Make sure you are well connected to the internet and to your Facebook or Kingdom account from within the app.
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