
Level 1
Hi, i wonder what the meaning is of the teacups, with the questionmarks inside them (3 each teacup). How do you get the questionmarks filled in, and what happens then?
Best Answer
Ah, I thought you meant this was something new inside the levels sorry! These are the roadblocks. To get to the next sections in the game you need to send out requests to your Facebook friends. Then when 3 of them reply you can pass. Or you can use gold bars to pass
I haven't seen these yet! Can you post up a screenshot, maybe we can work out what to do
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Ah, I thought you meant this was something new inside the levels sorry! These are the roadblocks. To get to the next sections in the game you need to send out requests to your Facebook friends. Then when 3 of them reply you can pass. Or you can use gold bars to pass
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