shineeluv Posts: 1

Level 1

Level 176 on the facebook browser version has a bug in it that makes the level impossible to play. Whenever you get rid of tiles under the cheese, the cheese DOES NOT FALL. Instead, more alphabet tiles appear in place of the ones you just got rid of. The cheese will not fall more than one tile space. Sometimes the letters multiply. For example, if there is an 'A' tile directly below the cheese, if you get rid of 5 tiles under that A, instead of falling 5 spaces, 5 more 'A's will appear in their place. This is 100% a bug. I have tried emailing support several times and all I get is an automated email telling me to check these forums. So I'm putting this in the forum in the hopes that someone will see it and fix this level. I have tried multiple browsers and clearing my entire cache. Same story every time. It's driving me insane. I just want to play my game. Please someone look into this.


  • Yeah I've just played it and seen exactly as you've said. If only one tile is removed below a cheese chunk it drops like usual and the tiles fall on top. When I had a whole vertical row underneath the chunk is just went down one space and filled rest with new tiles! Definitely not how it usually behaves.

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