Why it is not possible to send a message to contact us?
Level 1
The game ”freezes down” relativly often and it is then of course not possible to keep om playing. When I, in thrue frustration, pushed on differents icons and succeded pushing twice on the icon ”five extra push för 9 goldbars”, this was on the contrary working very well and it kosted me 18 goldbars but I was still not being able to play. I whish to get back my goldbars! It is not possible to send a message to "Contact us" neither on the Swedish nor on the English version because of corrupt "I am not a robot" which I must retry and retry again even when I did it correctly!
Hi Mercedes- Thanks for posting on King Care. I am sorry that you have been experiencing a problem with your game freezing. What device are you playing on?
I am very sorry that you lost some Gold Bars, these should never go missing. I would like to check your account so I have sent you a private message.
Please click on the envelope icon on the top right hand corner on the screen.
Have a lovely weekend!
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