Alphabetty saga won't advance me from level 51
Level 2
Twice I have started Alphabetty saga as it won't advance me off of level 51. I do not have any friends that play it that I know that could move me on, I assume that is what is needed.
can anybody help please, otherwise I will have to forget about playing this game which I really enjoy.
If you connect your game to either Facebook or Kingdom, you'll be able to request some tickets from others. If you're on Facebook you can easily join a group of active players by going here:
If you connect to Kingdom you'll see a load of random players in a list which you can request help from.
Plus I'm pretty sure you get a 72 hour auto unlock on the roadblocked once connected to either of those.
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I will try it. It has been weeks and it hasn't automatically sent me on.
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Are you already connected to Facebook or Kingdom in the game?
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Kingdom, not sure about that. I believe I am connected to Facebook. I couldn't say 100% sorry. A bit confused the way it is set up.
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Mark, I did not have the emblem you spoke of
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