I have cleared 380 a number of times and I still cannot move on....

Posts: 4
Level 1
in Support
I have beaten level 380 a number of times, yet 381 will not unlock. I play through FB and on my mobile and yet nothing seems to work to advance my game play.
I'm not sure they've released levels beyond that. Maybe this is the end of the line until they make more?
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I can see all the levels ahead with locks on them and there are people much higher than 381 in their gaming...
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Mine shows levels higher than 381 too but you can't actually move forward. I am mad because I used bars to get past 381 only to find out I can't. If the guys who make this game see this you need to not make it look like you can go further if you really can't. I play a lot of King games but I am about done with them entirely. Bad way to do your customers.
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