Level 154 Alpha Betty Saga
Level 1
Unable to drop cheese chunks when I clear letters under the cheese it fills back in and doesn't allow the cheese to drop
Hi Margaret!
Have you tried playing the game on King.com? I've never had any issues after switching so it might work for you as well.
I saw on another thread a step by step instruction on how to transfer your game progress to King.com:
1) Go to King.com and login then click on settings (cog wheel, top right corner of screen)
2) Choose Account
3) Enter your password
4) Click on Synchronizing/ Connect to Facebook
5) Click on the two arrows to initiate the sync
You can see the tutorial here: https://care.king.com/en/candy-crush-saga/how-can-i-transfer-my-progress-from-facebook-to-the-king-website
Once done your progress is synchronized and you should now be able to play level 154 without any issues.
Cheers :-)
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i have the same problem, tried to resolve it with the steps you provided, but it still doesnt work
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