What is the purpose of the ticket id number King sent after reporting a problem with game?
King sent me a ticket id number with a link to this page. Is that number acknowledging that they are working on the problem? Is there any way to check on the status of my ticket? Will I get a response when the issue is fixed? How long do issues normally take to be resolved?
In my experience working in IT, the system I worked with, Ticket ID's were just an automatic reference given to any received contact, the number doesn't mean anything beyond that. What did the message in your email say exactly, was it just a link?
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The message was: Need help with Alphabetty Saga?(Ticket-Id:4258332)Discover our King Care community and find your answers from fellow players. Access our Kingdom’s community by pressing the button below.Which means you are correct, the number means nothing and I seriously doubt if the issue will resolved or that "King Cares".In my experience working in IT, the system I worked with, Ticket ID's were just an automatic reference given to any received contact, the number doesn't mean anything beyond that. What did the message in your email say exactly, was it just a link?
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