Bubbles with no letters in them that won't pop in AlphaBetty Saga
There seems to always be one bubble on level 22 with no letter in it. It looks like a free letter, but you can't form a word with it and the crowns are not popping it when you use one as a word. There's NO WAY to finish the level with this problem happening. Can someone help me with this or is this a glitch?
Hi Imishaga- Thanks for posting on King Care. When you star the game, you are right there is a bubble without a letter inside of it. As you play and create new words, the letters will drop down the board and a letter will drop into this bubble. You are then able to pop that bubble too :-)
Here is link with some more tips and also a video of a player successfully passing this level. I hope it helps!
Keep trying, I am sure that you can do it.
Have a Mice week!
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