Level 130 - I have reached the required number of 4 letter or 6 letterwords numerous times but...
A number of times I have gotten the required 4 letter words or 6 letter words and received a check indicating so, and then a few turns later the check disappears and the game says I need more. Then it won't give me credit for any 4 or 6 letter words that I try to clear the check. I'm playing on the Amazon app on my kindle. Very frustrated! Just tried the level on my android phone and it worked fine. I passed the level. It must be an issue on the Amazon app.
Thanks for letting us know about this problem. I'm glad you were able to pass on a different device!
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It's doing it again on level 131. I play all the King games on my kindle. It's really frustrating that this game app is not working.
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It's doing it again on level 131. I play all the King games on my kindle. It's really frustrating that this game app is not working on my tablet.Thanks for letting us know about this problem. I'm glad you were able to pass on a different device!
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