Level 130 - I have reached the required number of 4 letter or 6 letterwords numerous times but...

NikNak Posts: 3

Level 1

A number of times I have gotten the required 4 letter words or 6 letter words and received a check indicating so, and then a few turns later the check disappears and the game says I need more. Then it won't give me credit for any 4 or 6 letter words that I try to clear the check. I'm playing on the Amazon app on my kindle. Very frustrated!  Just tried the level on my android phone and it worked fine. I passed the level. It must be an issue on the Amazon app.


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,162

    Thanks for letting us know about this problem. I'm glad you were able to pass on a different device! 

  • NikNak
    NikNak Posts: 3

    Level 1

    It's doing it again on level 131. I play all the King games on my kindle. It's really frustrating that this game app is not working. 

  • NikNak
    NikNak Posts: 3

    Level 1

    Thanks for letting us know about this problem. I'm glad you were able to pass on a different device! 

    It's doing it again on level 131. I play all the King games on my kindle. It's really frustrating that this game app is not working on my tablet.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?