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Alpha Betty Saga lever 232 will not let me explode the horseshoes at the bottom.
Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
I have been on level 232 and it will not let me explode the horseshoes. I don't know why this level will not let me explode the horseshoes, but I am getting extremely irritated. I have ask for answers from you and have not gotten any. I will erase all the games from you all together if no answers by Monday. Thank you and God b less you.
What device are you playing on?
The level works fine on Facebook, this example shows that the magnets explode as normal:
0 -
廾ⅰ @Kathy_Newman, welcome to the Community!
ℹ️ Tips, Strategy and Video on how to complete ABS Level 232 ⬇️
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