how do you solve level 390 ? Alphabetty

Level 1
We can't even get 1 cheese out - anyone who has passed this level - help please
Hi Sara,
Thank you for posting your question here on King Care.
I´m delighted to see that you already passed this level 390 in AlphaBetty Saga. Please feel free to comment or share your tactics used here.
Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team
0 -
Hi Sara, I was stuck there for months and even quit playing for a while. I started playing on my Android because the magnet at the bottom only have 1 cell instead of 3 on my laptop. Then I started using Adventure Mouse, the one who destroys the blue letter right away so you don't have to deal with that. Then I just started making the longest words I could to get line blasters and at times make 4 letter words to get the crowns, that helps with the stones and the ones on the left. I was very shocked when I finally got it on the last move. But it really can be done. Good luck!
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