Stuck on alpha betty
Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
Im stuck on level 101. There have been a few times where my word should have counted as a 9 letter word, but didn't. Every word I put in there counts as first, the smallest word count, then on to the 6 letter words, then notta for the 9. I can't even count how many times I've gotten to the nine letter word and I can't get past level. I was really liking the game but now not so much. Honestly, I'll usually throw a couple dollars at beating a level, as alphabetty is not the only King game I play. But no such strategy for this one. Super disappointed.
The only thing you need to watch out for is if any of the letters in those 9 letter words are covered in vines or if they're blank. Vine covered letters don't get removed as it only untangles them so won't count in the tally, same goes for the blank tiles, they don't get added to the tally. What are you playing by the way, browser version or game app version?
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