Stuck on Alphabetty Level 264

Level 1
Have been stuck for about three weeks without resolution. King Care keeps sending me unhelpful emails but has not fixed the problem: either more moves or less cheeses are needed. Hopefully someone a King will come to my rescue!
Hi John, I'm not quite there in this game myself, but a friend of mine recently made a video of the Level and managed to pass. I notice he used the 'Royal Guard' artefact from the Library (it gives you 2 extra moves)
Here is the example, it might help you to see how to play the Level:
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Thanks Lynette. I see that your friend basically kept trying combinations of letters to make long words, which I do too, but not as intensely. So, I'll try that. I'll also try to figure out how to get the Royal Guard artefact to get the two extra moves. Thanks again for taking your time to help me.Hi John, I'm not quite there in this game myself, but a friend of mine recently made a video of the Level and managed to pass. I notice he used the 'Royal Guard' artefact from the Library (it gives you 2 extra moves)
Here is the example, it might help you to see how to play the Level:
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Five days later and no joy, even with stringing together five and six letters to make unknown words. Still don't see how this level is possible with 20 moves and 11 cheeses. Frustrating!Hi John, I'm not quite there in this game myself, but a friend of mine recently made a video of the Level and managed to pass. I notice he used the 'Royal Guard' artefact from the Library (it gives you 2 extra moves)
Here is the example, it might help you to see how to play the Level:
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Still stuck. To King: Please stop sending me useless emails like this: "
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What exactly is it that you need to help you John? King will not change a Level just because one player finds it difficult (sorry) Many other players have managed to pass, so either keep trying or use some boosters to help you.
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