alphabetty crashes
Level 1
I completed level 410 and since it was the last available level, I downloaded the update and there are new levels icons. The first (level 411) has no level-type-drawing, it is a green circle, and if I press on it, nothing happens. If i complete the level 410 and I press to go to the next level the description says that I have to do 0 points, I press to play and the game crashes. I downloaded all the new updating but nothing changed
Best Answer
Hi Omar,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
I´m sorry this happens in AlphaBetty Saga on your Android. I recommend you to follow the steps as indicated here
Please let me know how you´re getting on.
Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team
Hi Omar,
Thank you for posting this here on King Care.
I´m sorry this happens in AlphaBetty Saga on your Android. I recommend you to follow the steps as indicated here
Please let me know how you´re getting on.
Kindest regards,
Tony - King Care Team
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It works, but I did nothing.
I only connected a facebook account, without uninstalling-reinstalling
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Thanks a lot for your feedback OmarIt works, but I did nothing.
I only connected a facebook account, without uninstalling-reinstalling
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