AlphaBettySaga. On laptop. Via FB
Level 1
After reading the forums regarding level 264, I noticed some players get 25 moves initially, I only get 20. Is this correct? Thankyou. xx
Hey Caroline,
The sometimes change their level objectives or the amount of moves in the game. Always try to search for the most recent videos on YouTube.
Here´s one with 20 Moves
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Thankyou for your help. I only got one extra move with the guard, I finally managed it in 20 moves using Miceking to remove one exclamater and a LOT of luck.
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Thankyou for your help. I only got one extra move with the guard, I finally managed it in 20 moves using Miceking to remove one exclamater and a LOT of luck. - See more at: Caroline,
The sometimes change their level objectives or the amount of moves in the game. Always try to search for the most recent videos on YouTube.
Here´s one with 20 Moves
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Well done Caroline :-)Thankyou for your help. I only got one extra move with the guard, I finally managed it in 20 moves using Miceking to remove one exclamater and a LOT of luck.
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