playing level 70

Shari_D_McDonald Posts: 1

Level 1

I am trying to play level 70 and there are 15 answers required. When I play no matter how many letters I use I don't get credit for them all . I go through no less than five words created but they are not counting. I am unsure how many letters are actually required for them to count toward the 15 required words created. What is going on?


  • Lynette
    Lynette Posts: 7,153
    edited April 2017

    Hi Shari, 

    15 words are required for this Level.

    But, only letters without vines on them are counted!

    First you may have to make a few words that do not get counted because you have to remove the vines from the letters.

    Or, you can make longer words that include some letters with vines and have just the tiles without vines in that word get counted.

    Remember that when you make 4 letter words (with no vines) these will create crowns.

    Then, when you use a letter with a crown it will count as 2 letters!

    For example a 5 letter word, with no vines, and with a crown tile in it, will be counted as a 6 letter word.

    Or a 6 letter word with two tiles covered in vines, will count as a 4 letter word.

    Good luck, here is an example of the Level for you to see:

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