New levels added?

Level 1
I passed level 455 on my tablet quite some time ago. I got two notifications that new levels were added, but I keep checking and nothing is there. I linked with Facebook, uninstalled and reinstalled but still nothing after 455. Help?
Hi Candace. I have been waiting for levels 456 and higher and just downloaded the update. I now see level 456 which has a strange new icon for level 456 which has stars rising out of it. I click the level icon and I hear a click, but nothing else happens. All higher levels have the lock icon. Version (android) is 1.12.2. I'm stuck and need some customer support.
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The same thing happened to me. I couldn't open 456 so I replayed 455 and it took me to the opening to 456. There it said the goal was to score 0 points and then the game crashed. Yikes!!! I finished 455 so long ago, I am getting tired of waiting! I have gone back through all of the levels for more stars and really don't have any reason to keep playing. I hope they fix this soon!!!
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I,too, have been going back to get 3 cheese stars for all my previous levels. These must be the hardest levels because
I can't get more than 1 cheese star. 142, 143, 163, 169, 170, 179, 190,191,193,197,230,283, 286,288,289,299,
322, 335,336,398,404. Have you managed to get 3 cheese stars for any of these levels?
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I am seeing the exact same crash sequence as reported by MJinHB
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Hi MarkQ, I have only been able to get one star on most of the levels you listed with the following exceptions: 2 stars on 283 288 289 299 and 322. I did get 3 stars on 335. I don't know what the trick is to getting the high score on the word levels, I've seen some really high scores. With the cheese plates I luck out if I get a line blaster that will destroy 2 plates at the same time. If you have any tricks I'd appreciate hearing them. Oh, and as I added stars my helpers added more crowns, moves, etc., and that helped.
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The same in spanish
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Same here waited ages and now have to wait again for problem to be fixed frustrating !Hi Candace. I have been waiting for levels 456 and higher and just downloaded the update. I now see level 456 which has a strange new icon for level 456 which has stars rising out of it. I click the level icon and I hear a click, but nothing else happens. All higher levels have the lock icon. Version (android) is 1.12.2. I'm stuck and need some customer support.
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Hi MJinHB. As far as strategy goes, I've noticed that the Crowns act mush more intelligently in the Cheesy Plate game. They seem to go straight for a tile adjacent to the next plate to munch.
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That's true but it you get to level 3 of the royal guard you get 2 extra moves plus 10% I'm going back to try to 3 star all the cheeses.
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I reinstalled also and it did not change anything
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