Why no rewards?
Level 1
Farm hero super has stopped giving me rewards. Scrubby dub and blossom blast and alpha betty have never given me rewards - why?
When you say rewards, do you mean that you're not getting them when you win them in the promotions. Or do you mean that you're not getting the promos in the first place?
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The county show has gone so I'm not getting anythingWhen you say rewards, do you mean that you're not getting them when you win them in the promotions. Or do you mean that you're not getting the promos in the first place?
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It's a shame you don't follow up issues, I've now played over 50 levels with no coin or booster rewards.When you say rewards, do you mean that you're not getting them when you win them in the promotions. Or do you mean that you're not getting the promos in the first place?
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Still going on......frustrating.When you say rewards, do you mean that you're not getting them when you win them in the promotions. Or do you mean that you're not getting the promos in the first place?
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