I can not get through Alphabetty Saga level 161.
Level 161 Alphabetty Saga keeps crashing. Even after it autoshuffles, it tells me that there are no more moves and then shuts down. But it also crashes in the middle of a game and I lose lives. The level is unsolveable, been trying for months. Not browser or anything else, is King crap - does anybody from King ever respond or should I just go to another game company?
I can see from your posts that this issue has been happening on and off for over 1 year possibly?
There are no issues with the game crashing from our side of things.
If you have tried all of the steps here:
Then there is not much else that we can recommend.
It suggests it might be an issue with possible your machine, your operating system.
I hope you are able to resolve the issue.
Kind regards,
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Well thank you for responding at last! As I believe I mentioned, it is NOT my end!! I have a new iMac and know how to operate it. I have been working on Macs for 15 years, including playing this game. I also have an android tablet and an iPhone 7Plus. I started playing King games way back when they were in their infancy on FB but am now giving it away as so many others have - you guys are only interested in questions that generate $, it's taken me months to even get an answer and it's not even an answer - I'd already told you that I tried EVERYthing suggested. Oh well, not important, just would've been nice to get some sort of 'support' from the company.
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PS I mean, really???? It's 2017 and you're STILL telling people to swap browsers, clear the cache etc??!! It's been TWENTY years since people started using home PCs, man!! In Australia anyway!
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PPS: You STILL have offered no insight as to why this level is impossible to get through? I've seen this question elsewhere - nobody from King ever answers it - it *has* to be a glitch in your programming.
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To answer your questions.
Firstly, we offer the troubleshooting steps as the majority of the time these can resolve most crashing/loading issues. This is the first point of call to ensure that our players are up to date and with their playing system running smoothly before we consider that it is an issue with the game. This saves us investigating into millions of players cases. This is standard procedure for most gaming companies.
There are only 2 comments on the site about this level, which suggests that it is not a widespread issue, and we would not consider it a 'glitch'.
I can only recommend that you troubleshoot the issue from your side.
Kind regards,
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