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Alphabetty level 480 - is it actually possible?
Hello, everyone, I am writing to say I just made it! Level 480 without paying and I just had 8 lives left, so I did it without and help, after at least 6 weeks. I work hard on éliminating the mouse traps , and trying to make blue bricks with diagonal arrows and at the same time I concentrate on 4 letters words the crowns are a big help towards the end, I even had one crown left. (I was lucky my last move, I had a 3 letters word, to get rid of my last pièce of cheese). So...don't give up. I myself will never pay to play.
Good Luck everyone.
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How do you get to start level 501? I cannot see it.I'm in level 520 con some budy help its very hard
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Im in level 550 no updAte untel now what its the last level
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