Gameplay after 410 on facebook via laptop, where is it?
My friends and I often compete against one another in this fun and stimulating game, and now after reaching what seems to be the end level for laptop users, we find the content available is for the mobile/tablet market. Which both have a limited play span due to the battery life of the devices, In the past I have used phones and tablets to play games, but this often led to constant recharging and less game play, one of the best reasons for using a laptop.
With the levels 411 and up already in operation, would it not be in the best interest to make them available to all users, and devices. Especially as it us that are playing.
Hi dicktracy!
I would also love to see the game continue on Facebook.
However - if you want you can install an Android emulator in Windows (for instance Bluestack)
If you have limited battery time on your tablet then just use a charger :-)
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