Alphabetty issues
Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
I am quite upset with this game now, or have been for a while. It is too freaking hard to finish levels, first and foremost. But now, the game also decided to change the level I was at, for another I had already finished! I am at level 499. Also, I have paid cash at a numerous times, but in difference from for example Pyramid Saga, you get nothing for your money!
I am so dissapointed at Alphabetty, and it could have been such a fun game.
I had a level change on me too, I'm on 440 now, I had been trying to get through a level with making the words of a certain length, come back to the game a bit later and it's the right number level but the wrong type of game, it's a cheesy spreading one identical to one I did a couple of games ago.
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