Why is the game not allowing words correctly spelled after update
Hello ! Same problème in France! We can't Play anymore To alphabetty saga... please fix this problem... I can't stop crying and walking all around my house praying god To help you To find a way To fix it... I need To sleep and feed myself and my kids too of course... I can see words but I can't Play... If you need me To sell my too daughters To help you, pleaseask... my ebay account does work! Thank u...
Rachie from France
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Where do I find alphabetty updates?I just checked for updates & there was one available. Once it downloaded the problem was solved
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Hi... I've the same issue . I play through ( samsung) tablet in Dutch, Can't add the words after selecting ( the tiles stay blue) if I wait for 'king' to give me a suggestion , which is green lighted, I can't either as it turns blue when I select the same tiles in the same way. So please a helping hand from some techs in this bug is desperately needed.
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You need to do a new update, manually. It will fix it.
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