lvl 566 not tested
Posts: 13
Level 1
in Support
I do think you did not test level 566. It is not playable. The players runs out of moves after the first one. Just open it and give a try without cheating.
Hi Lorenzo,
This doesn't sound right. Can you provide more information?
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I have been playing this level for the last 2 weeks. I have had it shuffle itself to death so many times. I now play this level once a day, just to see how fast I can go through 5 lives. Usually takes less than 2 minutes. Usually 2 moves is enough to know the level can't be completed. I used to spend about an hour a day on this game. Now I spend less than 2 minutes a day. It is no longer fun, or challenging, it is merely frustrating due to a VERY BADLY DESIGNED LEVEL.
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