Alpha betty sgag

Debra_Skiba Posts: 1

Level 1

My game will not load please help... all it says is "we are experiencing some problems please try one more time in a moment" but it has said that for several days. I have cleared my cache and refreshed several times but no luck....any help would be greatly appreciated...I am in the 400 levels and would hate to have to start over I have been playing for a while and worked hard to get to the 400 level....please help!!!


  • eugene
    eugene Posts: 184

    same problem - its very annoying - I emailed King and got a response but it didn't help so I sent some screen shots and still waiting to hear.  

  • Pam_Cleaves
    Pam_Cleaves Posts: 2

    Level 1

    If you are using Microsoft edge as your browser, it will not load AlphaBetty Saga.  According to the help bot, it is no longer compatible. Try switching to another browser. 

  • eugene
    eugene Posts: 184

    not edge for me - windows 7 tried chrome, firefox, opera, and IE - finally got in yesterday using gameroom - it has worked for some and not others - still hoping they fix the browser version

  • Pam_Cleaves
    Pam_Cleaves Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I switched to Chrome but it doesn't work on there either. I, too, still get the "experiencing problems" message. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Hopefully they'll fix it soon. 

  • Debbie_Newton
    Debbie_Newton Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Same here "Experiencing Problems" for over a month now :(

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