Alpha Betty is not loading as does not run adobe flash player
All my games open with no issue except Alpha Betty and Flash player is on and working but the game is not loading for reason it does not recognise there is flash player loaded. I have tried on another browser with same result. New computer so no history to clear and advanced settings is running flash player.
Best Answer
It is now working for me. I did an anti virus scan and ever since all is well. I
I'm having the exact same problem. Anyone have any answers?
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No answer. I have exactly the same problem for 2 days now.
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In the Dutch version of Alphabetty.....No answer. I have exactly the same problem for 2 days now.
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I have the same problem. The game was working (Google) and than I got the message that I need the flash player.
Than I tried Firefox. The game was working for a while and than stopped working with the information: ...flash player needed. So I tried Internet Explorer but it was the same, it worked for a couple of plays and than:...flash player.
So I deleted and installed new but always the same result: flash player is missing.
I hope there is somebody with an working idea.
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It is now working for me. I did an anti virus scan and ever since all is well. I
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I runned a full virus scan too. No virus but Alphabetty is still not working.
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Just checking that you shut down after the scan and restarted. I was hoping this would resolve everyone's issue.
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