Alpha Betty 614

Level 1
Alpha Betty level 614 is unsolvable. I have been trying to beat it for almost a week and the closest I've come has been to get 1 out of 5 cheese pieces. There are so few usable letters that the game frequently shuffles itself and then closes down. It just isn't fun.
Agree fullty, have tried it a hundred times and it seems impossible to get even close...
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Agreed. Again another level that is impossible because it hasn’t been well tested....
And again, I will play a different game until the designers make the adjustments necessary. i.e. remove some blockers, add some moves and/or put less ridiculous letters in the mix.
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Actually I managed to beat it, at last. But it was in a large part due to luck since I got several blank tiles and in the end the last two cheeses came down in the same column.
Still it seems a bit excessive and not very good level design that it should take well over a hundred tries before beating the level, and then being so dependent on luck. Especially since it is not even marked as hard. Before beating it I had never managed to remove the stones on both parts of the level...
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After two hundred times ,i got it ! i used Maitre Scouic the stone breaker.
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This is way too hard with all of the roadblocks and not enough moves or room to make blasters. I used one purchased blaster to see if it would work and it would take $$$ worth to finish this one off. I am playing on an iPad and will play on my iPhone until this rotten level is fixed.
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