level 630 in AlphaBetty

Dear King,

level 630 needs to be nerfed - by at least 5 moves. I beat it with 2 hammers, 1 linebreaker, 1 continue.


  • IEEEgal
    IEEEgal Posts: 54

    Level 3

    @Alessandro, nice to see you again. Congrats on beating 630. King must have listened to you because I beat it on the first try with no boosters, just Mystery Mouse's 2 stars. But now I'm sad because it's the end of the again for a while. :)

  • Heh - King nerfed it big way, from 16 to 27 moves :D try to finish it with 11 moves left and then tell me :)

  • IEEEgal
    IEEEgal Posts: 54

    Level 3

    Haha. I'll try, but there's no way!

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