Daily Bonus
same goes for me : 95/100 times, i have the shuffle thing
i don't know the interest of this,
as (but i might be misguided ?) you *have* to use it to shuffle, anyway, the 1st time in a game
(i'm not a hundred percents sure of this, but i think so)
i mean, it would be interesting if you could keep it in your boosters bag,
in order to be able to shuffle when you want, later ...
keeping and growing your amount of those bonuses, while still using the free shuffling booster that refills automatically with points in-game
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I agree about the very limited usefulness of the shuffle. The only way I used it in the past was to play for days without EVER using shuffles, so that I could in fact stash up a few of them - but at the stages I'm playing, doing no-shuffle means being unable to finish a level most of the time...
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hi Allendandro S,
hum, in my mind, this stashing thing (i mean, the "in-game with points" shuffle boosters) has never existed
it's for a unique game, and that's all
but, what i was saying actually, is that the only use of "winning" this booster,
could (and should IMHO) have had the use you describe
because, as for now, it's just a way to be able to shuffle one time before having the required points
... oh and guess what ... i turned the wheel an hour ago ... and yeah, that good old shuffling booster which is worth nothing !
ah ah, anyway now (when i have the time to launch the game in the 2-hours opportunity) : i click my finger on my phone screen immediately :-)
well, what's the point ?!!
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Hey Jello, my usage of stashing is a stretched one, but I did use it (595 perhaps) in the past.It means that while you're unable to pass a level you just keep playing that level for days, never using ANY shuffle, unless you think you've got a great shot at completing the level.Let's assume it takes you 5 days to pass a level, you spin the wheel daily and never use shuffles - at the 5th day you'll have 3-4 shuffle boosters stashed that you can use from the get-go. Not just one shuffle to be used ahead of the charging time, but 3-4. Which gives you additional chances to get a better position of the words.As I said, it's a stretch, and bonus shuffles should not be wiped out as it now happens. However, sometimes it takes being very creative and patient to pass levels - and this strategy of stashing shuffles helped me once.
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hi again, Alessandro S1st, sorry for having mispelled your username last time :)OK, yeah i fully understand now what you're meaningi actually didn't know that this "stashing usage" of the shuffle booster (with the wheel of fortune) existed at all,so, thanks for the clarification !but sorrily anyway, i'm so used to shuffling
))i'd never have the patience to try try and retry a level for days without shuffling, that's insane !! congrats to you for that :)well, okay, i understand that's good to have extra shuffles when you start a game, but ...the "auto-shuffle booster that replenishes while making points" doesn't exist until you have used all your previous well-kept "wheel of fortune shuffles", so wtf ?King has pretty much messed up with this "free-spinning-wheel" booster, that makes no sense at allBYE !
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