I updated alphabetty today on iPad, the screen is now only gray. No boards appear,the music plays

Level 1
is there any way to roll back to a prior working version? I don't want to lose my progress.
Best Answer
Hi Leela !! In case you're still having the grey screen, I just got word the team are working on a quick fix for this issue, should be done in the next couple of days. Thank you, and good luck !!
Have you tried reinstalling the app? You can restore the progress by reconnecting the game to Facebook or Kingdom, depending which one you used to save your game.
Which model of iPad do you play on?
Please note that iPad 1, iPad 2 and iPad Mini 1 are no longer fully compatible with our games:
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Hi Leela !! In case you're still having the grey screen, I just got word the team are working on a quick fix for this issue, should be done in the next couple of days. Thank you, and good luck !!
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I do have an older IPad 2, I'm not going to go get a new one just for this game. I had wanted to roll back to a prior version if needed. I did update again, and the gray screen no longer appears. However. I never get the cheestastic wheel anymore. All of my prior prizes are gone, and the wheel is too. The push notifications announcing it come right on through though. It reminding me that the wheel of prizes is there, but it really isn't, is annoying!
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I do have an older IPad 2, I'm not going to go get a new one just for this game. I had wanted to roll back to a prior version if needed. I did update again, and the gray screen no longer appears. However. I never get the cheestastic wheel anymore. All of my prior prizes are gone, and the wheel is too. The push notifications announcing it come right on through though. It reminding me that the wheel of prizes is there, but it really isn't, is annoying!Have you tried reinstalling the app? You can restore the progress by reconnecting the game to Facebook or Kingdom, depending which one you used to save your game.
Which model of iPad do you play on?
Please note that iPad 1, iPad 2 and iPad Mini 1 are no longer fully compatible with our games:
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