Dear King, Alphabetty level 648 needs to be nerfed

At 14 starting moves it's a minimum of 5 moves short - best I got in 30+ attempts is to get to 56 out of 62 bubbles burst.Given how the layout of traps, manuscripts and double-layered bubbles is set, it's also worthless to spend boosters on.Or, I'd be happy to be shown a video of King developers completing this level in 14 moves.
Best Answer
It turns out I was able to beat the level even at 14 moves - plus starting crown booster, which I decided to try out after an earlier attempt reached 59 bubbles... Ended at exactly zero moves at my 3rd attempt with the crown booster, but it was a pretty lucky board.
It turns out I was able to beat the level even at 14 moves - plus starting crown booster, which I decided to try out after an earlier attempt reached 59 bubbles... Ended at exactly zero moves at my 3rd attempt with the crown booster, but it was a pretty lucky board.
0 -
...and thank you for nerfing it at 18 - it's hard but playable now.
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