on level 80 Alpha Betty...
Level 1
I think there is a glitch..There seems to be 2 bubbles on the top level i cant seem to pop(no block in them, or letters). I have tried using the hammer and the line arrow thing...so cant go forward..please help
Can you post a screenshot? I replayed level 80 now (on Facebook) and completed it with 20 leftover moves with a score of over 42k, no un-removable bubbles.
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exactly as Jamil shows above..even if you try to specifically pop those bubbles because you know they are stuck, which sometimes works..others will do that issue
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look below..Jamil has posted a shotCan you post a screenshot? I replayed level 80 now (on Facebook) and completed it with 20 leftover moves with a score of over 42k, no un-removable bubbles.
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What platform are you playing on? I may try that on Android if that's what you're using.
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im on a computer using chrome
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Played now on Chrome 64.0.3282.186 on Windows 7 on Facebook, in Italian, problem does not appear (and I even upped my high score passing 48k, yay! Can you please be more specific, such as I have been here? Thanks
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I am playing in Safari on a MacBook Pro.
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didnt have an issue until this level...not sure..just would like to play lol.seems more like a glitch than me missing something..you cannot pop these at all when they appear
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So we have, so far, no issues reported on Android / Linux+Firefox / Windows7+Chrome whereas there are issues on Safari/Mac and Chrome/Windows10. I can not test Safari/Mac as I don't own a Mac, neither do I own a Win10 setup... are you perhaps able to test on Android/iPad/iPhone the mobile app version?
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Im on windows 10..i suppose i could test on my phone..whenever i got to level 80 lol...easier just to not play the damn thing since it isnt getting looked at lol
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