I have reached level 470 on Alphabetty but can go no further. Why?
Posts: 1
Level 1
in Support
I have reached level 470 on Alphabetty but can go no further - there are only clouds covering the landscape. Why?
Best Answer
Sorry, my bad! There are a lot more levels.
Check your app store for update, see if they are waiting. Sometimes its a good idea to delete the game, reboot your phone and reinstall it. See if that gives it a kick
Hi Denise, I just checked quickly on a co-superstars blog and her levels only go up to there as well. I would assume that you are waiting for new levels now.
Keep checking the app store for updates
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Sorry, my bad! There are a lot more levels.
Check your app store for update, see if they are waiting. Sometimes its a good idea to delete the game, reboot your phone and reinstall it. See if that gives it a kick
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