Why in Alphabetty Saga level 297 do the letters shuffle at radom & restarts on its own?
Level 1
I'm playing Alphabetty Saga level 297. The game restarts on its own and autother shuffles the letters. Why?
The game auto-reshuffles when there is no acceptable 3-letter or longer word that the player can possibly obtain on the board.And I *think* I recall that if the result of the auto-reshuffle is again a board without acceptable words, the game reshuffles again - up to a 3rd consecutive failed reshuffle, upon which the game quits and you lose one life.
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Nice answer Alessandro! That is it exactly.
Hi Elena,
Is it happening every time you go into that level?
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I want to add that at this level i had 8 more moves and 1 word when the game closed. This has happened several times.
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Hi @Bookwyrmm,
Was yours on this same level just to clarify?
Could you tell me which device/OS you are using?
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And could you all try the troubleshooting just in case it was a faulty update.
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