How do I get 9 letter words using crowned letters?

Level 1
Can you create longer words using the tile blaster square firing along lines with tiles that have crowns on them? So if a word is 4 letters long but includes 2 crown letters and a tile blaster that can hit 3 letters with crowns on them, will this make it a 9 letter word? I'm on level 156.
Hi Leonie,
I have asked one of my co SuperStars simply because I don't know lol.
I used to play but didn't have time so I am nowhere near your level. Well done btw!
I will let you know when I find out anything
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If you make a 4-letter word that has two Crowns and a Line Blaster it will count as a 6-letter word even though the Line Blaster hits other Crowns.
Only Crowns that are linked to the word will count, but there can be a Crown hidden under the Line Blaster tile as well.
Have a Mice day!
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Thanks Crazy Cat lad!
I was waiting for confirmation from the only one of us who plays it
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