Alpha Betty Saga level 661: goal is 200000 with 0 moves... how am I supposed to do that?

Level 1
I am in level 661. The goal is to tech 200000 points with 0 (zero) moves. Even with a two move booster, I'm not going to be able to pass this level... please change the level. I love this game
Can you post a screenshot? I just replayed on PC/Facebook this level and:
it starts with 19 moves, plus 2 from the default helper for the level
it needs to spread cheese over the board, not get an amount of points (besides, I don't think I have any level in AlphaBetty with a score that high - my highest if I'm not mistaken is over 70k but under 80k)
So it would seem a glitch in the version/platform you're using... again, a screenshot would be helpful.
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Because I am inn my phone (I guess) I am unable to add a photo in this comment section or with a new questionCan you post a screenshot? I just replayed on PC/Facebook this level and:
it starts with 19 moves, plus 2 from the default helper for the level
it needs to spread cheese over the board, not get an amount of points (besides, I don't think I have any level in AlphaBetty with a score that high - my highest if I'm not mistaken is over 70k but under 80k)
So it would seem a glitch in the version/platform you're using... again, a screenshot would be helpful.
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