Level 670
Level 1
I achieved the 670 level. Is any one further ? Should I just wait for new levels to come? Philipp
Hi Philippe, I looked but couldn't find any current info.
The moderator is away until after Easter, but I didn't want you thinking nobody had seen your post. As soon as I have any info I will let you know, but keep checking the store for updates
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The new update came today. So I'm fine for a while... ;-)
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That's brilliant to hear
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I've noticed that there's usually an episode every 2 weeks, so I'd expect one to ship by the end of next week (fingers crossed)
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Thank you!I've noticed that there's usually an episode every 2 weeks, so I'd expect one to ship by the end of next week (fingers crossed)
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Foto the new episode but already finished. Another 2 weeks before next one?!?! Damned.
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Haha well done, so patience or a new game in between?
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What game would you suggest?Haha well done, so patience or a new game in between?
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