How to pass level 159 on Alpha beatty saga.

GinnyP Posts: 1

Level 1

What is the strategy required to bust open the blue stones and expose a letter. I will get to 32 of 39 with 20 turns left but cannot beat the level. I keep creating 4+ letter words and keep getting more crowns but the crowns rarely break a stone. So frustrating!


  • nBoo
    nBoo Posts: 110

    Focus your efforts on making words around the rocks, for every letter you break next to a rock, a layer of that rock will be destroyed eventually revealing the letter tile.Another advanced strategy is to use line blasters (created with 5+ letter words) to destroy layers from more than one rock at a time.Since, as of now, crowns do not destroy rocks in this game mode, I'd suggest forgetting on 4 letter words and aiming for properly placed ones (even if they are 3-letter).Goodl luck with it!

  • Lady_Choo
    Lady_Choo Posts: 26,416

    Hi GinnyP,

    I also have some video help here too :) 

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