Level 659 I collect the 3 cheesey plates but it doesn't let me pass. What am I missing?
Level 1
Level 659. I collect the 3 cheesey plates but game still continues and when I run out of moves it says I failed. What am I missing?
Hi Marie, there are no examples of this level online yet so I cannot look at it. Are you able to take a screenshot of the game just after you collect all it asks for and post it here? We might be able to see the problem?
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You may not have reached the minimum score for the level. In some cases, the minimum score is higher than normal and if you complete the goal before reaching it the level stays in "stand-by".I bet you used a 3 letter word with the bombs to break the first plate right?I would expect them to fix the level soon-ish and ask for more reasonable minimum score.
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nBoo is correct. I had to play the round 10 times getting all three cheesy plates before scoring enough points to move to the next level.
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