I am unable to continue playing as I received a message stating my 'License has expired. Try again.

Posts: 2
Level 1
in Support
How do i renew my license? I have tried to reload the game. That did not work
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Are you playing on mobile / facebook or King.com? I've never heard of anyone getting this issue
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nBoo, I googled it as I hadn't either, but I found quite a few references to King games playing over the Kindle so I wonder if the OP is playing on there?
They said to turn wifi off then back on again. If that doesn't work, try restarting the tablet and if that doesn't work then Sandra, you will have to uninstall and reinstall again.
Its something to do with the Kindle not registering the licence for the app or something like that.
And if Sandra isn't playing via Kindle. I'm out of ideas lol. But I would still try the same troubleshooting.
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