There seem to be rewards connected to the characters, but I am unable to use them.

Level 1
In Alpha Betty, characters have number next to their names (example: Liberty Mouse). If you click on the name it takes you to a screen that seems to be tracking some sort of progress and seems to be meant to award some sort of rewards. None of this seems to be working. The progress seems to have been fulfilled, but the rewards are never awarded or are accessible. Can anyone explain what is going on?
Hey there! This is what we call internally the "artifacts"! In any level you play, you can choose one of this funny mice to help you in your jouney. Each of them offers different powers like "+2 moves" or "Destroys 2 exclamators" (at the beginning of the level).Most of this artifacts can be leveled from lvl1 to lvl3, and the way you do it is collecting stars!
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