level 659 is now impossible to pass. No letters next to cheesy plate #1. Help. I can't play.
No worries! It was changed on Friday and it has been changed again today. The strategy for the first plate will be a diagonal line blaster, as it's the case with other cheesy-order levels. It was never our intention for the 1st plate to be removed with a 3-letter word, since it was entirely luck-dependant and it promoted a "enter the level, check, quit, repeat" dynamic which is never desirable.We'll continue to monitor this level after the change, but, as I said it has been more difficult than intended for 3 days now. Should be OK now.
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Thanks. I have passed the level and moving forward.
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I have tried the level blaster, but it won't work across the bottom line with the cheesy plate number one and the bombs! Help please0
Hi @debhopper, and thanks for posting!
I replayed the level now and passed it, taking out plate #1 with a diagonal blast as per screenshots:
Does that not work for you? If so, can you please post screenshots showing before and after setting off the diagonal lineblaster?0
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